Sunday, December 23, 2007

Jets... officially cooled

I was chatting online last night (yeah, I know. ME chatting online. Hard to believe isn't it?) and the person on the other end of the conversation described my recent blog entries as 'manic'. I couldn't agree more but I might choose the word frenetic just to be opaque. Anyway, it was a good observation and looking back at 12/19/07a I really need to just relax and not worry about ultimate outcomes so much. Pursuant to that I have drafted a legal document, which I will have notarized on Monday; it states simply that should I fail to relax within the next 14 days I will forfeit 65% of total assets... No, wait, shit... that's the wrong way to go about it too I think. No, it'll be better if I just let the wind blow me about a bit and see where I end up, hopefully not tangled in any power lines.

All other mania aside, I have absolutely determined that I need to go into the office on a regular basis. The fact that I went in twice in two weeks and people looked at me like an uncooked goose at Christmas dinner makes me think that I'm quickly becoming a stranger. At some point that becomes a not-so-good thing. Plus it's always good to have more reasons to shower. Currently I'm aiming for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Even if I'm totally invisible to everyone I can at least observe these curious human creatures close-up.

Making my way through the first 70 pages of Dune reminded me just how much I enjoyed the book in the first place. It's one of those books I read as a child and lost several days to with hardly a notice that they had gone past. It also brings to mind the fact that I need to be more careful drawing the line between 'recreation' and 'work'. I tend to take things that should be recreational and turn them into another unpaid profession. I won't belabor the blog with examples but the words card 'business' must ring a bell with at least some of you. (See the autobiography part 7). Anyway, point is, I need to learn to recreate properly and not turn everything into a second job.

Speaking of recreate, it's worth mentioning that I seem to be enjoying work as of late. For some reason the merest inkling of the tiniest idea that my work might be appreciated seems to be highly motivating. This all falls down of course when it's determined that nobody actually knows what it is they want and you hop from one idea of what to be done to another. Anyway, in an optimal world, doing a job that is important and having people recognize that work might be the best recreation of all. That sounds like good resume tripe to me at least.


Charlie said...

Yeah, you definitely don't want to become a stranger where you work. My dad gave me the same advice when I was a consultant, but I guess I was in the office enough that I didn't have this problem. Or everyone was aware that it was a consulting company and that nearly all of the people were rarely there. Or both.

I think you're definitely on to something with not turning hobbies into work...

Trebor Nevals said...

Well, funny thing is that I was somewhat of a stranger even before I left the office. I was stuck back in the corner for the longest time and by the time anyone else moved into the area I was already branded a hopeless recluse. I'm afraid that in some ways it may be too late for this particular company in the respect of picking up any new acquaintances.

Charlie said...

oh yeah, that definitely was good resume tripe.

Yeah, I remember you saying that before. I dunno, still seems like a good idea though, if only to keep things from getting worse... Social interaction or not, people need to know you still exist and still work for T2...