Monday, December 17, 2007

Bored Bored Bored Sick Sick Sick

At the risk of being branded a valetudinarian I'm going to mention that I feel like crap. My stomach has been generally annoyed for at least four days. Nothing mega-violent but enough to make my head swim a bit and make life somewhat unpleasant from time to time. Let the record show that it is so.

In a similar vein I'm sitting here on my work computer and I'm bored bored bored. I heard through the grapevine that my company's CEO said that he expects people to be working a minimum of 50 hours a week. That's a bit of a surprise considering I've been logging exactly 40.00000 workweeks for a long time due to exceptional job-related ennui. I've even occasionally gone so far as to round down in places just to make a the point and keep from accidentally oozing over my self-imposed limit. Oops. I've been told, however, that change is in the air around the 'ole workplace so perhaps I'll have a whole new level of motivation here in the next... oh, 100 days or so.

I tried to live today in the spirit of the true sensualist but it was really hard. I was stuck home with a sick toddler who did something really rude to her diaper about once every 90 minutes. No doubt her stomach doesn't feel well either. This, I suppose, must be the evil drawback to living for the moment. Sometimes the moments suck and you're stuck with them. It was amusing talking to absolutely everyone I can think of about recent company events and realizing that we all seem to have the exact same opinion about what needs to change around here with the differences between schemes being merely a matter of degree. Now the fun begins and we get to see who wins (and who quits).

Just about out of words it seems.... Now the question is what does a person who lives merely for the pleasure of the moment do in the 20 minutes before he collapses, exhausted, into his bed? Old me would have crawled into bed to read "The Mysteries of Udolpho" because he'd read something about how the novel had influenced Jane Austen and he really wanted to know what made her tick. No more however! Now we live for pleasure and amusement! I think I'll go read "The Mysteries of Udolpho" because it sounds like a nice, creepy example of Gothic literature. *whoooo!!!!!* It's mind-boggling how quickly things can change!

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