Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Another Day, Another Blog

Funny thing about today. Once I hit 'Publish Post' on this little editor, that'll be 29 posts. 29 posts in 21 days. Now that I've gotten into the rhythm of posting every day I'm not exactly sure that I can stop. In many ways, the daily routine of turning on the computer and dumping an entire day of feelings and observations into a little rectangle has become a necessary cathartic. So.... on a prime number post where to begin...

Much like many recent days, today has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. I practiced my motto of 'honesty in all things' but my delivery sucked so while my message was delivered, it was received like a hedgehog from a cannon. Clearly the honesty rule needs a corollary or two involving the gentle extraction of emotions before delivery. It's enough for the receiver to deal with the content of your message without having to pluck the emotional quills from their forehead because you were irritated at the same time.

I accepted another invitation today from one of my ROWs and not, as he said, merely to "shut him up." My ROW invited me to read the book he gave me two years ago (I'd forgotten how much I love these old posts) on a specific schedule throughout the year published by his church. As much as some people hate proselytizing I tend to take it in the spirit in which it's done; it is a pretty kind sentiment to concern yourself with the preservation of someone's eternal soul. This is not to say that I expect my ROW to accomplish his goal but I have enough interest to sustain the study of the Bible as a literary work. I'll offer up my observations but I'll create another blog for that so as not to clutter up this one. I'd hate to be seen as a preachy agnostic.

My wife suggested I send the Charlie Wilson's War entry to the paper. To be honest, I'm not sure what they'd do with such a thing but I've been married long enough to know that sometimes you just do the thing being asked and don't offer any questions. We'll see if anything comes of that. Oddly, we don't actually subscribe to the paper so it's possible that we'll never know if it's published.

For dinner tonight we went out with one of my wife's high-level male FABs. I have to admit that I'm mystified at my wife's ability to attract high-quality friends (particularly of the opposite gender). We've officially been out with them enough times that they've crossed the line between, "Rob doesn't talk much" and "My, Rob was talkative tonight!" I have to admit that when I'm in a group (larger than 2 people) it's still a somewhat queer feeling when I start to say something and 3 faces turn to look at me. There's just enough time for the thought "hey, they're listening; better make this good!" to run through my mind before I'm expected to talk. I think the next landmark is the point when this thought doesn't enter my mind at all. Overall though, I have to admit they're great company despite the fact that we have absolutely NOTHING in common.

In summary, today's roller coaster ranged from profound (but temporary) depression to utter and complete giddy elation. In one day I feel like I've screwed up, worked like hell to fix what I broke and had the giddy realization that I'd done something right where I usually do screw up. Overall, a great day with a few minor potholes. To top it all off I get to go see real people in a real office tomorrow! What could be better than that!

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