Friday, January 04, 2008

From Heaven to Hell and back to Earth

It seems clear that grandma was always right when she said, "too much laughter now will be tears later." Today completely and utterly sucked and, just like yesterday, I'm totally responsible for having caused it. As usual I will not encumber my readers with the details but instead let it simply be said that I take full responsibility and am sad to have dragged other people along in the wake of my misery. I honestly don't remember a more maddening day in the past five years and all because I jumped to conclusions and misjudged the intentions of her with whom I am one. On the positive side, I think the air is finally clear and we can now proceed down the road to happiness again. I have to admit that getting out of the breakdown lane and back onto the highway was one of the most difficult processes I've been through in a while.

Annnnyyyyyway, on to more mundane topics. After all that we went downtown to the IRT to see Tuesdays With Morrie. In the past couple months I have come to appreciate live entertainment like never before. While sitting through this thing, I cried for the 11th, 12th and 13th times today but oddly I laughed at least 20 times; for a play about death it's surprisingly funny. What really struck me though was the echo of my own life in the play. I've been throwing around the word 'epiphanous' a lot lately but when the actors said, "you have to be who you want to be every single day of your life and act as if it's your last" (or words that effect anyway) I hardly resisted the urge to stand up and shout to the crowd, "Yeah! That's what I've been talking about!!!" It's hard to know how I've been doing with my resolutions to be positive about things and more outgoing and friendly (there's no yardstick to measure these sorts of attributes) but with the exception of today it certainly seemed that the world was smiling back at me. In any case, the rest of the world will have to wait until tomorrow because tonight... I'm completely worn out.

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