Saturday, January 05, 2008

Random Notes of the Day

I have to ask, do all women go around sniffing their significant others? I don't wear any cologne of any kind yet my wife's always telling me how 'good' I smell. What I wonder is whether she's just gotten accustomed to my specific scent and associates me with it or whether people fall into certain 'scent groups' that somehow signal a level of biological compatibility. The latter seems to be suggested by the fact that there are other men in her sphere that smell 'good' and others that she describes as 'stinking'. Similarly, there's a 'my baby' smell too apparently. When our daughters were small my wife always said they smelled 'good' while all other babies were, again, 'stinky'. This is a measurable phenomenon since studies indicate that mothers can always smell the difference between their own baby's blanket and those of other babies. Someone should commission a man-stink study but I think the thing to remember may be to smell your man (I'm told the neck is the best place to put your nose) and if he stinks you may have a problem. Similarly, give that baby a good whiff before you bring it home. If it smells sour then check the hospital's records.

On a completely unrelated matter, I realized recently that it's been literally years since I've seen a "man" movie. For 14 years, almost every time I enter a movie theater it's to see one of those "romantic comedy" movies or worse a children's movie. Now don't get me wrong; I can appreciate a woman movie with the best of them but give a guy a break. Well I'll tell ya, I'm seein' this damn Sweeney Todd movie; if blanket invitations to all the eligible people in my sphere are ineffective I'm druggin' a wino and propping him up in the seat next to me. Yes, I know it'll suck and be nothing like the stage version but that changes nothing. Some things you have to see for yourself. Oh... what's this...? my wife's putting in a DVD. What could it be... well crap, When Harry Met Sally. Dammit.

90 Minutes later.... this movie's puritanical views are bullshit.


Anonymous said...

I don't think the following would be considered romantic comedies:

Lord of the Rings trilogy
Star Wars trilogy
Red Dragon
Harry Potter (ok maybe a kid's movie, but he still likes them)

I'm sure there are many others, but I just can't recall them at the moment...

Trebor Nevals said...

Um, did you read the post? 14 years there, deary. I'd say that still falls into the 'almost' category. And Star Wars... kids movie. Harry Pottery, not my idea and still a kids movie. LOTR I give you but the other two weren't worth the nightmares they gave you. :P :)