Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Bored Bubble Popped

After a lovely chat with the Mrs, my bubbles are back in the bottle again. It's amazing how well she knows me after 14 years. She always knows just the right thing to say to put my train back on the tracks. The funny thing is that nothing has really changed. Television is just as boring... These books are just as dull... This laptop is just as scalding hot on my lap as before... yet none of it seems to matter quite as much.

The question remains, what to do about it long term. I think my original propositions stand; I need to get out more and widen my sphere but it's no longer an emergency. I need to reconnect with my work in a strategic rather than a reactionary way. I need to remember to relax and not view everything (even recreation) with such urgency. *yawn* *stretch* Luckily tomorrow is another day to practice.

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