Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Plenty of Tension

I've been up all night catching up on everything I completely failed to get done during the normal work day so you'll have to accept a much abbreviated epistle from my soul tonight.

As I sit here mere minutes from the comforting warmth of my bed, it occurs to me that my entire day was REALLY tense. I spent literally the entire day either IN a nerve-wracking, uncomfortable situation or dreading one. That said, it was a good kind of tension. Today exemplified the kind of intensity that you only get out of life when you don't simply go around and around in the same well-worn groove.

For several years my life has been relatively stress free. Sure there were moments of "how are we going to get all this done?" but it was always known that what we promised to do would be done. Perhaps not in the best way and perhaps not at the best time but it would get done because it was, frankly, just busy work just like the previous 10,000 units of work that preceded it. There was no real challenge, no real possibility of failure, no sense of adventure. Today, however, was a totally different story and I fervently hope that my trip out of my groove is not merely a temporary visit. It's time to wear some new ruts in the universe.

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