Saturday, March 31, 2007

My Life [Revision] – Introduction

Note: I have concluded the ‘standard’ autobiographical sketch with the seven previously posted entries. I am now entering a period of expansion and revision. While these additions maybe anecdotally interesting they are not as fundamentally informative as those parts which have come before. Those interested in reading the entire document as it stands in the proper order may do so here.

My motivation for this document is straightforward. It has been my long-standing wish to roam freely about in the psyche of my fellow man. I have a burning and incessant desire to see the internal machinations of the human mind and when I see a bent and sorrowful man walking along the street I yearn to know what has brought him to his particular strait in life. I wish to know what makes each person around me what he is today and it is this question which I have attempted to answer about myself in these dozen pages. If I were blessed with infinite time, it would be my desire to read such a history from every human ever born and so the least I can do is submit my own story for the perusal of the multitudes.

I also leave this as a legacy to my own progeny. Others in my family were always nebulous (or more often utterly incoherent or unavailable) in telling their own histories and so I have lost them entirely. I should never want it to be said that my children did not know their own father to the depths of his ability to express it to them. I write this document as proof of my dedication to them.

Lastly, know that my intent is to slander no one and to offend no one. If you find yourself in these pages know that I have tried to draw you with as precise a line as possible. Know also that I have tried in all things to be as open and honest as I can to provide as vivid and lifelike a picture as is practical. If some things may be found offensive then I duly apologize for having done them but not for having written them down. Drawing a deluded picture of the past serves no one.


Susan Bingham said...

I seriously beg to differ that this portion is not "informative;" knowing WHY you have written something like this is just as interesting to me as to why that homeless many on the street ended up there - intention and path taken.

I usually start a new journal with a 'statement of intent' like this. I also think that your purposes, as stated here, are very sweet and honest. I'm sure your readers will see what follows in that vein...

Trebor Nevals said...

Right, right. See, what you're taking issue with is the new 'Standard Disclaimer' for people who've read the previous 7 parts. Relatively speaking, the new bits might just be more of the same things they've already read. Not a lot of new concepts just new examples. You're right that this probably doesn't apply to the new introduction per se.

The Gal Herself said...

I really appreciate the way you ended this post. I understand what you mean about not wanting to slander anyone, but that "drawing a deluded picture of the past serves no one." This is something I have struggled with, too. While much of my blog is frivolous, much has been intimate and could hurtful to others. Like you, it's not my intention. It's a difficult dance, isn't it?

Trebor Nevals said...

Well, yeah... this goes along with the 'little white lies' post from ages ago. Lying serves no one. If you don't tell someone that they're being a complete jerk then they will continue to be a jerk until someone shoots them for it. If you'd just said, "Steve, you are being a HUGE jerk and you smell" then it could change their whole life for the better.

So while it's not the intent to offend, sometimes you really SHOULD offend for the benefit of the person being offended.