Friday, March 30, 2007

Photos Galore

All these posts about times long gone have made me dig in the photo album...

A few old family photos

A unique collection of my dad's artwork.

Hrm. That seems to be all. Pity.


Susan Bingham said...

Hi Rob -

You visited my blog so I visited yours. I am very impressed by your reading list, as I have often thought that I should document what I have read (my 'bookshelf' list is my new way of keeping track). May I ask where you got your starting list, since it seems that you have outlined what you will read in future, as well as what you have already read.

It is certainly quite the undertaking, and I wish you well with it. Your work on Genesis is impressive as well, and I WILL revisit it!

Thanks for stopping by,

Trebor Nevals said...


That reading list has relatively mundane beginnings. For the longest time, I wanted to read... well, I wanted to read everything but nobody could tell me definitively what the 'important' things were that I should ready first. So basically, I went to the bookstore and found a reputable-looking brand and bought all the books from that brand. Specifically it was the "Oxford World's Classics" and so the reading queue was born. You can get an idea of the stuff in question on their website:

Since that time, since the world classics don't cover anything newer than about 50 years ago I've added the Booker Prize nominees as well (I have a stack of about 20 on the VCR at the moment). You can find those here:

I'll admit, so far the Booker Prize nominees have blown a lot of the 'Classics' out of the water entirely.

As for Genesis... yeah, I need to get back to that a bit. I'm REALLY not sure what value my purely literary interpretation of the book has for anyone but it's an interesting exercise at least. I know more about the first 32 chapters of Genesis now than I ever did before. Not, mind you, that they make a lot more sense than they did before. *shrug*