Monday, April 02, 2007

Pickles from the Bottom of the Barrel

As you may have noticed, I’ve been doing a bit of blogging lately. I’ve blogged about this that and the other thing and when I’m not blogging I’m telling people how much they should blog or at the least write down what’s going on in their lives. I’m a big believer in the amusement that can be derived from looking back on one’s life. If I had a blog or diary stretching back the entire 33 years of my life I’d guard it more closely than anything else I own. There’s a lot I’d like to remember about my life that I can’t because I foolishly failed to write it down.

As motivation, I like to occasionally take a trip back through my previous entries and look for the highlights. It’s been over three years since I started this thing with an idiotic post about a donut but only about a year and a half since I posted with any degree of regularity. In any case, let’s take a look at some of the pickles from the bottom of the barrel…

In which we find out that Grandpa's Dead but Mother's Not

From three years ago it’s the story from the day my grandfather died. I’m REALLY glad I bothered to write this down or I’d never remember it with such clarity.

What makes a good Husband?

My only foray into the deep secrets of marriage.

The Eye that sees itself - 2005

I’m still amused by this even after two years. Yes, it’s my actual answers to the self-evaluation form for my company’s HR yearly review process. More work-related fun was to be had in Missin’ the Christmas Party

Little White Lies with Black Black Hearts

The first post where I really went after… well, almost everyone. Anyone else not already offended probably got it here The One True Gift

Orwell's Echoes

The favorite of my political posts.

Who owns who?

The first post where I started to depart from my materialistic tendencies. I’d long realized the purposelessness of ‘owning’ things but hadn’t quite said it out loud yet. In the same vein The Poverty of Plenty several months later and this blog’s first use of the word ‘cocaine.’ Later I tried to give away thousands of dollars in crap in All that Glitters and then dissed on Christmas in Merry Chri$tma$!

Hard Truths and Obvious Facts I

This is the first post where I really went after religion. Wow. I can imagine why I didn’t make any friends with this one. But in a way maybe I did as the eventual response was very Christ-like. You can read about that in The Gift of the Co-Worker Guy. I finally summed up all the religious rot in On Religion but since that summing wasn’t apparently quite enough summing we hit it again here The Many Faces of God (or not). Later I actually went to church and wrote about it in Goin’ to Church

On Evolution & Abortion

This post marks the last time I can remember being REALLY irritated about something online

The Lost Art of Conversation

April of 2005 was a good year. Here’s the one that caused the VP of my department to take me out to lunch to have a conversation.

A Special Place in Hell

Here’s the one where I stood up for homosexuals.

Schrödinger's Blog

The first blog post about blogging in which I relate quantum mechanics to writing a blog. Later we had the never-popular Survey of the Blogsphere.

You and Your Penis

Yes, sometimes we even read a biology book here on the Tattered Thread. This of course had a few follow-ups in If you must go out, go out with a bang and Machine Gun versus Bazooka.


Janet Vickers said...

Well my morning's reading is here. Thanks for your comment on my blog - good to know someone is reading it.

Now I must check your Orwell post.


Viveca said...

Wow. You are an inspiration to keep blogging. You have quite a bit of life and blogging to look back on and I look forward to returning to read more & more ...

My eyes are tearing up thinking about the day my grandmother died -that is probably where I will begin -- then I am interested to read what you have to say about religion. Grandma is the one who taught me about angels up there & down here.

Thank you for stirring up my heart today. Viveca

Trebor Nevals said...

Hrm. it's odd... everyone seems to gravitate towards that Orwell post. I mean I like it but I don't like it THAT much. :)


Well, that's what I'm here for. Nothing like a bit of good heart-stirring in the early morning.