Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Storyboard - Indiana Dunes - 7/25/2011

Having hit the Indiana Dunes area twice during our most recent trip, we actually have some small story to both on the way and on the way back. Unfortunately, the former was primarily in the dark of night so while I would have delighted in capturing some of the Gary-area blight, I was denied that pleasure by lack of ambient lighting.

Sunset on the first day wasn't QUITE what I would have hoped for. A pendulous ruddy sphere backing up the distant skyline would have been optimal but it was not to be. Luckily, there are always more sunsets. At least until there aren't.

From Indiana Dunes 7-22-2011

Humans are such clean and responsible creatures.

From Indiana Dunes 7-22-2011

This, above all else, is the ultimate in evidence that Laura drives MUCH, MUCH too fast.

From Indiana Dunes 7-22-2011

And this cooling tower is not at ALL ominous at night. Actually, considering the area this is in, the entire neighborhood is a bit on the ominous side, but I digress.

From Indiana Dunes 7-22-2011

And now we move on from the lowlands to the highlands. Mt. Baldy is the highest dune in the park. It used to be second highest but they mined the first one until... well, until it was literally wiped from the face of the Earth.

I love all manner of contrasts, especially those between the steely cold of mankind and the delicate touch of nature.

From Indiana Dunes, Mt. Baldy - 7-25-2011

Quite a desert though the high tension lines give it that lived-in look.

From Indiana Dunes, Mt. Baldy - 7-25-2011

This is the delightful landscape that awaits you from the top of the dune. Who wouldn't want to climb up here to see THIS!!!?

From Indiana Dunes, Mt. Baldy - 7-25-2011

Such a lonely-feeling view in this direction. Based on recent history, this tree isn't going to make it long.

From Indiana Dunes, Mt. Baldy - 7-25-2011

Boy. All I can say is looking at this picture.... why is that woman hanging out with me. Jeeze. I'm afright. And what happened to my face.... ?

From Indiana Dunes, Mt. Baldy - 7-25-2011

I love the beach. Everybody's so interested and excited to be there.

From Indiana Dunes, Mt. Baldy - 7-25-2011

Anyway, so ends the Indiana Dunes and so ends the Michigan trip. I must say that looking back, we Humans sure are filthy. Find a spot on a lake and what do we do? We tromp it all down until they have to put up fences and build huge industrial complexes to belch out soot. On the other hand, I sure do love electricity!


Juli said...

Love the tree pic. Something about it just strikes me. :)

There is a huge debate about wind power here, the proposed site for the turbines are in the middle of the ocean, but the plant is in Nantucket sound. I'm all for clean energy also, but the sound is beautiful WITHOUT the gigantic plant.

It's a tough call.

Trebor Nevals said...

Thx, J.

Yeah, the whole power generation issue is a tough one. At its heart though, we have to do it somehow, whether it's solar power reflectors or wind turbines. All of those are ugly creatures. The question is whether they're uglier than the resulting pollution from NOT using them.