As usual, in no particular order. So when we arrived I had determined that perhaps it was best to put the camera away and just enjoy the quaint little shoppes. This lasted for all of about 7 minutes, which I must say is a record for me. So don't hold back on the applause.
One thing I've noticed is that when Laura and I travel, we somehow manage to come across the most interesting random crap. This time it was an olde tyme baseball game between the local Douglas...onians?... and some random non-local team. At any rate, during one point in the game they broke out in delighted HUZZAHs! which made me think of work. Not that that's a bad thing mind you, but it was still worth noting. Anyway, here's the umpire discussing something over the somewhat primitive water cooler.
As with most towns in Michigan, this one of course sports a large, and in this case, very placid lake.
It's funny that as many pictures as I produce during a given trip and as many pictures as Laura produces that very, VERY few of them actually feature the both of us. This is all the more reinforcement, I suppose, for my policy of always taking pictures of photographers wherever I go. They are a far underrepresented demographic in photography. In a rare happenstance Laura and I appear in the same picture, thanks mostly to my long arms and willingness to rattle off 58 pictures until one of them just HAPPENS to have both of us in it.
Ah yes, there was a Catalpa tree too. Did I ever tell you the story of the second time Laura and I met? Well suffice to say, she still has the "magic bean" that I plucked so manfully from the tree under which we sat.
At some point I feel that I'm eventually going to run out of new colors of wasp to photograph but not yet it seems. In orange this gent looks a bit unique. The hornets of Beech Grove would be proud, I'm sure.
OK, so one thing that Douglas Michigan had in abundance was absolutely gorgeous Asiatic lilies. Makes me want to grow my own again.
And yes, the sun-behind-the-lilies motif really caught my attention.
Alright, well that's it for the quick trip through Douglas Michigan on a very hot and very sunny July day. A nice time was had by all. You should visit if you're ever in the neighborhood.
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