Saturday, July 14, 2007

7/14/07 - Tale of the Tiles; crappy mail

Well, here I am in the deadspot of the day. The grout is down; the tiles are scrubbed and we await only the final scrubbing today in a few hours. The outdoor portion of my day has apparently been pushed into the afternoon as the wife and eldest have gone swimming and leave me here to tend our youngest and her headcold.

Now might be a good time to review the lesson learned while doing tile:

* The instructions on boxes of tile adhesive and grout are off by about 20%. Either they assume that the user cannot accurately measure liquids or they're trying to trick you into using more product but whichever the case if you follow the instructions on the package you'll have a heck of a time spreading the stuff. Both should have the consistency of creamy peanut butter. Wet sand is right out. 5 pounds of grout took 3 hours in the entry and looked like crap. 10 pounds of grout in the bathroom took about 30 minutes and is as smooth as a baby's forehead. All for the want of an extra 100mL of water. Bah and double bah humbug to you grout manufacturer.

Today our eldest when confronted with the writing prompt task produced a paragraph in about 4 minutes. This is a vast improvement on the 3 hours it took yesterday. A heavy sigh to the meaninglessly headstrong child.

I'm really disappointed in the mail lately. I've probably never mentioned that I'm really just a little kid. I just love gettin' crap in the mail. In fact, I typically keep something on order at all times so I can anticipate it's arrival. Back in the deep, dark, gloomy past this was mostly baseball cards. There's nothing quite as exciting to an old magpie like me than a big box of crap to go through. Anyway, as of late I've been meandering my way through my own amazon wishlist picking up all those missing 'A' titles on my too-be-read list (oh and the other list). Anyway, St. Thomas Aquinas is taking frigging forever. It further seems like everything has been taking a lot longer lately. If the pace doesn't pick up I'm going to have to break down and buy some sea monkeys or x-ray glasses.

Anyway, enough ranting, time to check in on the Little Women before the second shift starts...

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