Thursday, July 12, 2007


Ahhhh.... another day another random post.

Today was strangely productive. At work our customer's go-live date approaches like a rabid dog approaches a terrified child. Therefore it seemed only natural to try to make some progress on their website. Not, of course, that everything else was ready but sadly beyond my ability to fix. At home the wife has finally tired of having only one serviceable bathroom and given me the deadly 'finish the stupid bathroom tile' look. Another 57 steps there and our numerous household guests will be ready to piddle in the comfort of their own special room again.

The literature grind continues as usual. I was not able to bring myself to plod through any more Henry Adams today but did finish the first half of Little Women which I shall refer to hereafter as 'the entertaining half.' Now that people are dieing and getting married, etc things are sure to go downhill.

These Rosetta Stone people ( almost have me. A decent coupon would pretty much assure that I would order their crazily overpriced language larnin' software. I'm not sure WHAT in the heck it is with the 'learn a new language for no reason whatsoever' bug but it seems to be a recurring theme in my life.

It occurs to me that someone should create a blog printing service. For some reasonable fee you could have your blog printed up in book format and sent to you. I'd pay a pretty tidy sum for a hardcover edition of my life to date with a special thumb index for all my absolute FAVORITE rants.

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