Tuesday, August 28, 2007

8/28/07 Random Updates

And so we conclude with St. Thomas Aquinas. While I wouldn't call it exactly the pinnacle of entertainment I will say that it wasn't nearly as dry and crusty as I might have expected. After wasting a month of my life with Harry Potter it was surprisingly refreshing to get something to read that had real content. All that said, I wasn't quite interested enough in the content to push onward into the second bit of the book with it's endless essays on the deeper implications of Thomist theology for the world today. Ah well, one can't have a deep and insatiable interest in absolutely EVERYTHING.

Next we push on into some more 'A' works with a bit of softer fare. There's a bit of Jane Austen I haven't hit yet so let's proceed with 'Sense and Sensibility'.

On a personal note, I think I may have found (thanks completely to our neighbors at cox-tv) the answer to my 'too bored to exercise' quandary. Today I set out on foot for the nearest Geocache around lunchtime and an appropriate exercise period later I'd returned with the laurels of success. This city is literally afloat in random bits of hidden 'treasure' and it's much more motivating to try to exercise if you actually have somewhere to go or some reason to go there. (Even if it's a bit silly really.) So from now on, all my exercise periods will be of the form: "Find a cache; find a parking space within say a mile of it; go find the cache." After 20 or 30 caches maybe these chest pains will go away.

Let's see... what else could I babble randomly about. Um, work maybe? Well, work is pretty much falling apart. Probably construed as my fault somehow but I'm going strictly to the 'following orders exactly as given' routine for a bit. If I do things right, they'll offer me a job in the department that rises from the ashes of this one.

Oh... let's see... our eldest was practicing her spelling words today and I could not for the life of me figure out why she spelled libraries: libearies. It made no sense. Then as we were coming out her 'back to school night' I noticed the display. There were Teddy Bears. They were reading books. The sign said: 'LiBEARy'. Now how in the name of Nathaniel Webster do you expect kids to spell things properly if every time they go down the hall they see a blatant misspelling. Feh.

Ah, yes. I tend not to wax technological on here because computing and technology are really (ironically) the last things I care about but I saw a new headline that made me blink: Acer buying Gateway. I'm sure I'm behind the times but since when do rinky-dink computer manufacturers sold primarily on the Home Shopping Network buy behemoth computer companies like Gateway? It's like ... um... Tandy Co buying IBM? I dunno, something like that. Clearly I've not been keeping up with the news (nor do I intend to start).

Also technews related (I swear, this is the last thing I'll bring up in this calendar year) I wondered today if the leadership team at my company read this article about the increasing ickiness of hosted software solutions.

Anyway, I think that's all. Having gotten somewhat lukewarm responses bthe first two people I approached, I've got a confirmed Geocaching partner for this weekend and make no mistake about it: we will find your little box of random junk and we will trade your inane items for our inane items. Count on it.

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