Friday, June 30, 2006

Another Random Photo...

So I was thinking to myself the other day, "Oh, most divinely Adonis-like Manifestation of all that is Pure and Holy in the world, what's the most mind-numbingly dull thing you could post online?"

Well, of course the obvious answer is another of those random photos from my domicile. Today's most delicious treat is a photo of the upstairs den or computer room. Ahhhh... I can taste that satisfaction swelling up as the internet distributes this incredibly interesting post...

Alright, you can click on the image to get a larger version. This is going to be so cool to look back at when I've quit caring about and sold all the crap in this picture...

See, look, there on the left. That big pointy green lump of a thing on the TV. That's a candle my wife got me in college. It's a wizard reading a book sitting on a dragon. And to the right of that there's a picture of our 1-year-old that the daycare got me for father's day this year.

Oh, yeah, and there on the shelves, you can see the binders and binders of coins and banknotes i'm going to sell at a snails pace over the next 20 years. Under those the coin catalogs I have on semi-permanent loan from the library. You can just make out a few Netflix DVDs on the top of the shelf there. Deep Space 9 for the wife and All Creatures Great and Small for me of course. And right next to the IP phone for my workplace you can make out a couple Mafalda books.

Now the desk, that's where all the REALLY boring stuff happens. I've got my computer on the left there with all the Peanuts gang hanging out on top and the laptop from work to the right. It's still on at 11 o'clock at night as I have to make a change to a customer website at 12. Isn't that EXCITING? There's that cool banker's lamp my wife's family got me while I was in college. And that white box in front of the monitor... yeah, that's all the really cool Spanish flash cards I've made up studying Spanish for no reason I can really put my finger on. There must be 700 of those stupid things in there. Let's see... anything else of disinterest... there's the new Beautiful South CD 'Superbi' on the printer. In the lower left-hand corner you can see all the drawers leftover from when the room used to house all those sports trading cards.

Wow, that IS dull. I should do this for a living.


Trebor Nevals said...

You know... it does look a lot like a typewriter. Wonder if I could get a printed keyboard pattern for the output tray. That'd be sweet.

I officially tired of DS9 a while ago. Wife still likes it though. All Creatures Great and Small is such a benevolent show. Ah, those simpler times. It gives one a warm fuzzy feeling.

Yeah, that Chinese stuff abounds. Those 'Fair Trade' stores on the north side have some pretty slick stuff. Well, slick to my perverse way of thinking anyway.

dav said...

That's not so Dull.
I Wish I had a little hide-out up in the attic.

At my place, I just turn off the bathroom light and crouch in the tub behind the shower curtain. Breathing quietly.

Anonymous said...

You won't believe this, but a few days before you posted this I actually did wonder what your work setup was like at your house. Probably when I was lamenting my lack of a home work setup.

Anyway, where'd you go? I'm fairly certain you're not dead.