Monday, November 12, 2007

Random Babbling for 11/12/07

A few notes of no particular interest in no particular order.

After reading my blog entry from last night my wife has given me a two-week deadline to get the hell out of the house and get a friend. My objection that you don't cure a 35-year problem in 2 weeks seemed to carry no weight with her. She has threatened the somewhat inane consequence that if I don't meet her demands she's going to sign me up for a random class at IUPUI. History 436 "The role of the meat packer's union in the life of the 1930's American housewife" here I come.

I do, however, have a plan to counteract her threat. For the next month I intend to practically ooze friendliness. If I so much as get a pizza coupon in the mail I'll swoop down on the sender and shower then with my presence and woe to the checkout girl who dares make the token gesture of greeting. I may seem as much fun as a burlap sack full of drowned kittens but just wait until I've been in Gregarious mode for a few days. It'll be friggin' scary. Further, I'm going to pick a few random victims from my acquaintance and run a some experiments. It'll be damned fun I think. For the next month, my eye is on you, America!

I've noticed lately that I'm in a bit of a funk. (Have you noticed? Surely you haven't.) I realized part of the problem as my wife and I sat at dinner and a Beatles' song came over the 'slightly louder than it really needs to be' sound system in the restaurant. As I was singing "Somewhere in her smile she knows..." loud enough to be heard 3 tables away it occurred to me that it had been a LONG time since I'd listened to any music... at all. I tend to swamp myself with background noise in the form of television or talk radio all day long and have forgotten that eventually that will drive a person insane. Tomorrow we burn/find some CDs and we party like it's 1699.

I wonder how long it'll take me to give up on the first random thought. My bet is on less than 24 hours.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Oozing friendliness?

Anything that oozes is kind of yucky, don't you think?

Rob, it's been so long. How are things? I supposed I can go and read your blog but where's the fun in that? :)