Friday, February 23, 2007

February 23, 2007

One thing that I think this ongoing letter to no one is missing is more of a sense of everyday goings on. I’m sure that in some vague way I’ll be amused to look back on the entry I wrote when grandpa died (I still consider this some of my best writing) but that’s the sort of thing you remember regardless. That’s a life event after all; you don’t forget real life events. Instead, I think it’s time to focus on the more mundane. I can tell you all (okay, I can tell future me) about how I drove up to the area of the office and had lunch with my boss in the 2-week “Rob’s Lunch with Human” cycle and how it’s Randy’s turn in two weeks and how I just KNOW it’ll be such a grand time and how I really need to figure out exactly WHO is in this 2-week lunch rotation because otherwise I’ll miss someone in the cycle and then they’ll be all offended when they hear about the lunch that everyone ELSE got invited to. I can describe in excruciating detail how my boss and I talked about work for almost the entire time but how that’s OK because, as he says, work is his hobby and of course it’s good to talk about hobbies, especially hobbies that you happen have in common and then when I was driving home it really seemed to me that it took much less time to get back home than it took to get up to the north-east side…

Hmmm… You know, one thing I think this blog has going for it is that it doesn’t really deal at all with everyday goings on…

1 comment:

Chris B. said...

Sorry, I didn't mean to be so "excruciating" and to monopolize the conversation with talk of work. Next time I'm up in the lunch rotation, I'll let you do the talking while I take careful notes for that blog that I've been meaning to start :-)