Thursday, April 15, 2004

The Beginning (Again)

Jeeze.... a few paltry months and it takes 20 minutes to figure out how to edit your own blog? What kind of justice is this. Before I forget, I should make a note of some topics that should be covered. I'm sure that the interest in these topics outside my own head is just about 0 but hopefully some form of this will survive the coming apocalypse. Archaeologists hundreds of years from now will unearth this and be stricken with an intense sense of gratitude that we're all dead and gone.Ongoing list of Topics to cover:(Submissions and suggestions welcomed)* Unintended consistent misuse of words* The Magic of retail and why the whole supply/demand principle breaks down in a world of lazy people* The wonder of random banter* Complexity of multi-cellular lifeforms as an argument for the non-existance of God* Wonders of evolution* The 'dumbing-down' of America (or not)* Blab for a while about what it takes to be a computer programmer. (HA!)* Discuss the fundamental conflict between karma and free will* Concepts of heaven and the conflicts between them* The Universe: Clockwork or Chaos?* Uncapitalized investments* The service of critcism* Society's belief that every child should go to college* Content vs. form in blogs, etc.* necessity of social norms.* Relativity of perception

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