Sunday, November 13, 2011

On Veterans Day

This past Friday was Veterans day, a holiday in which we celebrate the sacrifices of those who have served in America’s military. Watching Facebook I saw a lot of tributes to this group of people and let me start by saying that I share the sentiment. Every day there are thousands of Americans who put their very lives on the line to service the needs of our country. These people go to work every day with the knowledge that they may very well get their faces blown off by an IED or be killed or horribly maimed. That’s a claim that very few of us can make. Those who serve in the military are truly selfless individuals who deserve to be praised and honored every day of the year, not just one single day in November.

All that said, the idea that any of that is necessary at all is complete bullshit. On one hand I respect immensely that people are willing to do that. It takes a hell of a lot of guts to put everything you have in jeopardy every time you put your boots on in the morning. On the other hand, it makes me utterly sick that in this day and age our government is still so backwards and unsophisticated that it requires that people fight and die to support its strategy on the world stage. Every American soldier who comes home without a hand (or a face) represents the failure of the U.S. government to do its job. Surely in this day and age diplomacy must rule first and foremost. Only when the statesmen fail to do their jobs properly must we resort to the abomination of war, physical intervention in some remote area.

So on this Sunday after Veterans day, I say simply, thank you. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for what you put on the line every day. But it’s a complete fucking shame that you have to do it. If our politicians weren’t such utter fucking failures, you would all be safe at home, every single one of you, warm and comfortable by the sides of the ones you love. Your deaths lay heavily on the failures and the egos of the American political system. The sooner that the United States can take its right and proper position in the world, the sooner you will come home safely. I honor the veterans of America’s wars, but I hope for a day when they will be an extinct species, a relic of a bygone and obsolete age.


Juli said...

I agree. But I sadly think that a world without war and fighting is not to be seen within our lifetimes.

However, I fail to see why we need to police the entire world. They don't want to be Americans. So why the hell are we trying to teach them our democracy system?

Trebor Nevals said...

Well come, come, Julianna, of COURSE they want to be Americans! Who wouldn't want to be?!?! :) Sarcasm aside, yup, yup. Couldn't agree more.

Charlie said...

Yeah, but I'm starting to think myself that it's an unachievable goal. On the one hand I do think we project force and meddle with other nations too much, but on the other it's also a counter to other countries who would do the same if we hadn't 'gotten there first'. I.e., China is heavily involved with Sudan. In other words, the world is always going to have 1 or more superpowers that dominate other countries. The world always has. Better as it is today imo, where the country that does this sees itself as 'police-like' and to some extent does try for fairness. Again though, perhaps not enough. No, definitely not enough actually.

Anyway, that world power vacuum is going to be filled by some country. Better one that is just a meddler and not a belligerent conqueror.

Because it's not just American politicians that resort to military force when failing at diplomacy. It is in fact most other counties as well, given the opportunity.

Look at a country that truly just does defend itself and no more. It helps make my point that there are so few, but Switzerland is one. Switzerland still does need a military, and will for as long as all other nations are not as peaceable...

I do agree, I just often wonder if humanity/civilization/the world is already at the limit of moral development we're capable of... In other words, *can* we really do better and 'end world hunger' etc., or are we already at the high point of history's roller coaster?

Sorry, I guess that's a lot more than you bargained for with this post...